Young and Smart Generation Z
Generation Z is the smartest and best educated generation however they are impulsive, social media addict and experience stress, anxiety, depression and loneliness at a very young age. Generation Z is blessed with unlimited wealth of information they were born between 1997 and 2012. They are commonly referred to as the first fully “digitally native” generation. They grew up with social media and smartphones—they're used to living in a digital-first world.
The real question is as a Gen Z how can you earn money and be smart with your finances?
Use your digital literacy to make money. There are many ways how to learn money online. Its actually a win win situation doing what you want and earning at the same time. As a social media addict on Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter every content and post are already monetizing as long as you know how to catch the attention of the netizens. Be an influencer, content creator, blogger and build your online business. In connection with that use your talent to make money online.
Invest Your Money, Investing may not be your priority as a young adult. But in time you will thank your self for investing at a very young age. Use your digital talent to look for a better way in investing your money. Invest in real states, gold, stocks, commodities and many more. For better Money Management use this formula [ Revenue – Investment – Saving what is left will be for Expenses. This generation build for greater purpose so use every talent, skill, purpose and opportunity to succeed.
It is also vivid that this generation is more prone to stress, anxiety and depression at a very young age due to social media that they must fit the standard of being smart, beautiful, sexy, talented and fashionable in all time. But don’t let that hinder you to succeed. If you struggle with any kind of emotional problem, don’t feel ashamed to seek help. Mental Health is very important book a consultation or seek a therapist that could help you. Help and love yourself all the time.